With it's yellow and silver colors ready to set sail, the Titanic was ready to set sail! I'm the mechanic who is matching patch work with the yellow duck tape. The blue shirted is the designer, the green shirted is the sailor, the white shirted is the muscle, and the black shirted at the end was the captain. But we all dabbled our hands into each others field. We managed to complete 9 achievements.
"Sketch Ideas"-
One of the designs was like a kayak.
The other was like a row boat with supports on the side.
The third was stilts that could touch the bottom of the pool so we could walk.
"Prototypes!"- We chose to go with the row boat with supports. We only had one support on the side instead of two and it floated pretty well even with a couple of marbles.
"Select An Approach"-
+: The good thing about the row boat is the supports and the ability to move the boat.
: I would keep the two supports.
?: How to make the V-Bottom?
!: Keep a pointed front of the boat.
"Build It!"- My group didn't make any major changes from the picture above other than the amount of duck tape on the boat.
"V-Bottom!"- We made a V-Bottom boat and it didn't tip over involuntarily.
+: The v-bottom was at a great angle causing it to not flip over.
: I would have added extended supports, paddles, and a more hydrodynamic front of the boat.
? : Would we be able to use orange juice cartons if we do this again?
! : Use orange juice cartons to help with the supports so the boat doesn't sink too much.
"Redesign"- I would add the carton supports and paddles and a different shape for the box.
"Make Your Own Achievement"- I would give our group the "Innovative Design" achievement because we had the most unique design. But for future reference I would make an achievement called the "Battle Ship" achievement in which the boat will need a way to protect itself.